Luxury Stir Fry with Beef and Cauliflower Rice

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Let’s Cook Luxury Stir Fry
Cauliflower Rice

Luxury Stir Fry with Beef and Cauliflower Rice

A quick stir fry made easy with our Luxury Stir Fry mix and Cauliflower Rice. Here we use beef but this can easily be substituted with chicken, prawns or even tofu.


1 tbsp seasame oil

300g beef fillet cut into strips

1 tbsp brown sugar

2 tbsp soy sauce

Few drops Tabasco (according to taste)

1 pack of Green Isle Luxury Stir Fry

320g Green Isle Cauliflower Rice


  1. Add 1 tbsp of seasame oil to hot wok/pan. Add beef fillet strips and stir fry on medium heat for 3-4 minutes until browned and cooked through. Add ½ pack of Green Isle Luxury Stir Fry and stir fry for 5-7 minutes.
  2. Add sugar, soya sauce, and Tabasco to stir fry. Cook Green Isle Cauliflower Rice as per pack instructions. Add Caulifower Rice to stir fry and mix together for 3-4 minutes. Serve & enjoy!
  3. Alternatively substitute the Beef for Chicken, Prawns or Pork.

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