Valentines lemon posset with Green Isle raspberry coulis

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Lemon posset with raspberry coulis and frozen raspberries

A little Valentine dessert special or suitable after any tasty meal, our lemon posset with raspberry coulis and frozen raspberries, is a chilled dessert that has got a fabulous velvety texture similar to a mousse. The citrusy sweet lemon and raspberry flavours, work really well here.


200 ml double cream

50 grams caster sugar

1 lemon, zest and juice

Mint leaves, to serve

For the coulis:

250 grams Green Isle Frozen Raspberries

2 tablespoons icing sugar

1 teaspoon vanilla bean paste

1 tablespoon lemon juice

A few mint leaves, to serve


  1. For the posset, place the double cream and sugar into a large pan over a low heat and bring to the boil slowly. Allow the mixture to bubble for 1 minute then remove from the heat and stir through the lemon juice and zest, mixing well.
  2. Pour the lemon cream into 2 serving glasses and refrigerate for at least 3 hours.
  3. For the coulis, place the Green Isle Frozen raspberries, icing sugar, vanilla and lemon juice into a saucepan and heat for 4 - 5 minutes until the berries have defrosted and completely broken down. Allow to cool for 5 minutes then put into a blender and blitz until completely smooth.
  4. Serve the posset with a little coulis on top and garnish with a few mint leaves

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