Products Used

Straight Cut Oven Chips
Garden Peas

Air fryer Chicken kiev, Straight Cut Chips and Peas

Have you caught on to the airfryer craze yet? We have to admit we are big fans as they save time and energy. This recipe is perfect for the airfryer, made using our Straight Cut Chips, perfect for midweek dinners.


100 grams unsalted butter, at room temperature

6 garlic cloves, finely grated

1 tablespoon flat leaf parsley, finely chopped

Salt and freshly ground black pepper

2 chicken breasts

100 grams plain flour

1 teaspoon garlic powder

2 eggs, beaten

200 grams panko breadcrumbs

250 grams Green Isle Straight Cut Chips

125 grams Green Isle Garden Peas


  1. To make the garlic butter add the butter, garlic, parsley, salt and pepper to a blender and blitz until smooth and well mixed. Add the mixture to the middle of a strip of cling film and roll into a sausage shape then place in the fridge for at least 2 hours or overnight to firm up. This recipe makes more garlic butter than you will need but you can keep what you don’t use in the fridge or freezer for the next time you need garlic butter!
  2. When ready to assemble, butterfly the chicken breasts and open them up. Slice the butter into 8 slices and place 2 slices in the middle of each chicken breast. Fold back over the breast to cover.
  3. Place the flour, egg and breadcrumbs into three separate bowls. Season the flour mixture with salt and the garlic powder and mix. Dip the chicken kievs’ first into the flour mixture, then the beaten egg, shaking off any excess, then roll into the breadcrumbs to coat.
  4. Spray well with low- calorie spray and cook air-fry for 15 - 20 minutes at 200 C until cooked through.
  5. Add the Green Isle Chips to the drawer of an airfryer and air fry for 15 - 20 minutes at 200 C until golden and cooked through.
  6. Serve with Green Isle peas that have been boiled for 5 minutes in boiling, salted water and then drained or you can pop them into the airfryer on a silicone tray very briefly at the end. Serve everything while hot and enjoy!

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